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To Depart or Not To Depart. That is The Question!

Answer: Always depart, you can’t have a wedding forever!

We are, of course, joking, but our subject for this post does have to do with you and your new spouse departing: departure favors.

What are departure favors, you ask. These are the fun items that your guests use to make your sendoff spectacular! Some of our favorite departure favors are bubbles, bells, sparklers, confetti poppers, glow sticks, rose petals, dried herbs (like lavender), feathers, collegiate shakers and ribbon wands! Of course you can always go the more traditional route and have your guests throw birdseed! In the words of Mary Poppins herself, “Feed the birds.” (Check with your venue first – some venues have restrictions on what you can use.)

If you’re really feeling brave, you can do what one of Daria’s first clients did: they departed in a hail of mini foam footballs! Slightly dangerous but definitely hilarious – especially when the couple gathered up the missiles and pelted their guests right back!

So how many of those fun little things do you order? You only need to have enough for 1/3 to ½ of your guest count. We’re sorry to say, not everyone is going to stay until the end of the wedding, and unless you use sparklers all of the time, you are not going to want to have hundreds of those left over!

Photo courtesy of Janet Howard Studio

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Welcome to Love Notes!

Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
