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Do A Little Dance…Break In Those Shoes

Catch Me I’m Falling!

(Let no one say that we at Circle of Love Weddings do not enjoy our cheesy music!)

Now this situation may not have been avoidable. You never know how stable floating docks are…

However, there is a slip-up that CAN be avoided by wearing your shoes before the wedding. We have witnessed trips, slips, falls, and worst of all, twisted ankles on the wedding day because brides haven’t broken in their shoes. Slippery soles on carpet and uneven surfaces, especially when you can’t see your feet (since you’re most likely wearing a rather voluminous gown) is a recipe for disaster!

Trust us: take some time to walk around your house, dance and saunter in the way that you would on your wedding day. This will show you where you feel unstable and how to fix it! 

Top photo courtesy of Atlanta Artistic Weddings

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
