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Happy Anniversary: Megan and Richard

I always have so much fun recalling all the wonderful couples and families I’ve worked with. Yesterday was Megan and Richard’s 5th anniversary, and I couldn’t help but share one of the best groom’s cakes I’ve ever seen!

Here’s the story behind the octopus cake:

One of the two things that were very important to Richard was the groom’s cake (the other was video, in case you’re curious). As a rabid Redwings hockey fan, he worked closely with our baker For Goodness Cakes to create a larger-than-life stadium cake, with the purple octopus rising up from the middle of it. It was truly an amazing work of art!

One of his uncles in particular had fostered his love of the game, so Richard had the idea to bring him into the ballroom during cocktail hour for a sneak peek at the cake. Watching him being led in by Richard, with his eyes closed, and then seeing (and hearing) his joy at the cake was so worth it! The cake, which was actually mostly made of Rice Krispies, was sent home with Richard’s parents (unbeknownst to him), to make another surprise appearance at the hockey game watching parties later this year. So fun!

Connections matter the most

Stories like this remind me once again that our connections are the most important part of life. This is the beauty and magic of weddings: the ongoing joy they bring us with the wonderful memories they invoke.

To Megan and Richard and all my beautiful couples: thank you for the chance to create beautiful memories with you. I cherish you all! 

Wishing you ongoing joy and love, wherever your paths have led you.

Namaste ~ Blessed Be

Photo courtesy of Laura Stone Photography

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
