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Happy Anniversary: Sara and Jacob

Happy 5 year anniversary to Sara and Jacob, married 28 March 2015.
May you be enveloped in love!

I’d like to share the parents’ blessing from this beautiful ceremony, which they recited as they wrapped the couple in the talit:

The love of each home and family begets a new generation of family, home and love.
Within this symbolic home, the chuppa, we your parents wrap you in this tallis, which embraces you in your own sacred space.
We stand here today, parents, son and daughter, surrounded by the spirit and memory of generations gone before us, to consecrate with pride and joy this newest branch of the tree of life.
May you always be enveloped in love.

I remember this moment of their ceremony so clearly, because it brought me to tears then, as it does now.

May we all always be enveloped in love. 
We need each other now, more than ever. 
We are all together under one chuppah: the sky. 
We are all in Divine hands at this tenuous time (and always).
And we are loved. 

Namaste ~ Blessed Be

Photo courtesy of The Reason

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
