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The Role of Greeters at Your Wedding

Your venue or wedding planner may have asked you if you have chosen your greeters yet. Who are these people and do you really need them? In fact, greeters can be a very helpful addition to your wedding day. So let us answer a few of those questions about the role of greeters at a wedding for you!

1. Who Should Be A Greeter?

Greeters, also known as hosts or hostesses, should be people who are close to you, your groom or your families. How about a cousin or aunt and uncle, or friends that you just couldn’t squeeze into the bridal party? It’s nice to choose at least one person from both families. Many people will offer to help with “whatever you need,” and this is an ideal way to allow people to participate without requiring too much of a commitment from them.

Your greeters should not be in the wedding party, as the job requires them to be available before the ceremony and reception, and the wedding party will be busy taking photos and assisting the couple during these times. In addition, greeters will ideally have a friendly, outgoing personality and should be adults or older teenagers.

2. What are greeters supposed to do?

You will most likely need greeters for both the ceremony and reception (unless they are taking place in the same location), and the same people can take on both roles if you like. The most important job for all greeters is to make your guests feel welcome and reassure them that they are in the right place. In addition, greeters may take on any or all of the following duties.

Wedding Ceremony Greeters’ Duties:

  • Hand out programs
  • Direct guests to sign the guest book
  • Help with coats
  • Direct guests to the restrooms
  • Let guests know to bring their gifts to the reception, not the ceremony
  • Direct guests to the seating area
  • Assist the ushers with identifying family members for preferred seating
  • Help gather the personal items after the ceremony

Wedding Reception Greeters’ Duties:
These greeters will need to leave the ceremony right away for reception, so they can be in position when the other guests begin to arrive.

  • Assist guests with gifts
  • Direct guests to sign the guest book
  • Help with coats
  • Direct guests to the restrooms
  • Assist with seating (especially if there are table cards)
  • Direct guests to the refreshments

Bottom line: having greeters at your wedding is not mandatory. However, it is a thoughtful special touch that will set your wedding apart and let your guests know you care about their comfort!

Photo courtesy of Melissa Prosser Photography

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
