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Amanda’s Planning Journey: An Unusual Gift For Bridesmaids

It’s me, Amanda, back with another wedding musing! Let’s face it, there have been millions of weddings and being original in everything is really hard to do. However, that is what I’m striving for in planning my wedding, right down to the bridesmaids gifts.

Hello everyone! It’s Amanda again… busy searching the world over for the perfect bridesmaid gift! Let me tell you, it is hard to pin down something unique. I have been in a lot of weddings. I have received a robe with my monogram, a bag of incredibly useful things, a duffel bag, a giant A, jewelry, shoes… you name it, I think I have gotten it as a gift. What makes my gift search even harder is the fact that I have eight very different bridesmaids. Luckily, they are all good friends, so things won’t be awkward, but giving them all jewelry is out of the question.

I can say with certainty, on of my strongest qualities is my craftiness. I LOVE making crafts. Making gifts for people is one of my favorite things to do, but with my wedding coming up, I am quite simply, crafted out. Then it hit me. I know what I am going to do. I am throwing a party for my bridesmaids where they get to make their gifts. Think of Sips and Strokes but even better with a completely different idea. Confused yet? Excited yet? You should be. Now if I could only let you in on my secret, things would be perfect, but I can’t because I want it to be a surprise and I do know that some of them read this dandy little blog! 

Point being, when it comes to gifts for your bridesmaids, it really is the thought that matters. Put thought into it. If you cannot find a gift that suits all of your bridesmaids, figure out something they would like to do together and do it!

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
