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Amanda’s Planning Journey: Bridesmaids: A Musing and a Rant

It’s Amanda again! Let me tell you a little something about bridesmaid’s dresses (hint: the rant is coming before the musing in this post… fair warning!).

If you have never been a bride and have been a bridesmaid, are currently a bridesmaid or will ever be a bridesmaid, pay attention. A WEDDING IS STRESSFUL. Do not add to the stress by complaining about the choice in bridesmaid dress. Whether it costs $50 or $250, it is an honor to be asked to stand up with your friend in support of her marriage. Take it as such.

All too often brides become so concerned with what their bridesmaids think they don’t end up getting what they really want. This is not an excuse to have a hissy fit saying “IT’S MY WEDDING AND I GET WHAT I WANT.” (Even if it is the truth.) Have a very honest conversation with your girls, tell them what you want. Generally they will be more than happy to oblige.

Rant over and thank you for your attention.

Now, for my bridesmaids, I went with ARIA dresses. I am very excited about these.

Here are the styles the girls were asked to choose from:

And here are the colors they were allowed to choose from. 

Everyone will choose a different color, and we’ll probably have a good mix of the styles with only one or two repeats! It will look very eclectic, but still match. Perfect!

Post-wedding update: Look at how we have one of each color! It’s as if I planned it…

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
