Home » Love Notes » Ceremony Elements » Bright Idea: The Loving Tree Unity Ritual

Bright Idea: The Loving Tree Unity Ritual

Unity rituals can be tricky little things. You want them to be short and sweet, not too cliché, and all your own, but how many ways can you really signify unity? You have the candle lighting, handfasting, sand pouring, painting, anniversary letter box, and wine sharing to name a few (all worthy choices here). This couple took a completely different approach to their unity ceremony (which is why we love it)! They planted a tree. 

It will remind them year after year of their growing love for one another. They capped off the idea by giving saplings of the same tree to their guests! How cool is that??

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
