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The Blessings of Unknowing

Today my parents would have been married 55 years. (My dad passed away in 1995.)
Isn’t this the cutest picture?
And as I prepare for a tiny wedding tonight, for a couple who postponed their May 2020 wedding until summer 2021, and then decided to get married in a family-only ceremony exactly one year earlier from their new date (today!), I am struck once again by the truth and beauty that Wendy Egyoku Nakao writes of in her beautiful poem, The Blessings of Unknowing.
On this day, two lives join as one. Who can know from where this union comes? Who can know how far into eternity this will go? These are the blessings of Unknowing.
On this day, two hearts beat as one. Who can know how many other hearts this joins? Who can know how far this love will flow? These are the blessings of Unknowing.
On this day, two eyes shine as one. Who can know how many are the gifts of joy? Who can know how far this light will glow? These are the blessings of Unknowing.
On this day two hands meet as one. Who can know how many other beings this holds? Who can know how far this touch will grow? These are the blessings of Unknowing.
On this day one is no longer one. Two are no longer two. Who can know how far these blessings go? Who can know? Who can know? Let us rejoice in the blessings of Unknowing.
Who can know how many millions of just-perfect moments converged to bring all of us right where we are, right now? Being married today isn’t at all what my beautiful couple planned on, but it’s happening, and it’s going to be just perfect. How do we know that it wasn’t meant to be just like this for them all along? 
Just like things aligned perfectly in my parents’ lives for me to be born just when I was, to be here today in Atlanta to coordinate their wedding on this anniversary day. For my sister to be born just when she was, and for her to birth their six beautiful children.
Who can know how far Love will flow, in all directions?
These are the blessings of unknowing. And this is the joy of weddings: celebrating Love.
Blessed Be and Namaste to all the beautiful couples who ever married on this day, who are marrying on this day, and who will marry on this day.
P.S. Happy tenth anniversary to Josey and Mike! Love y’all!

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
