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Our Very Own Amanda Is Engaged!

Congratulations are in order…our guest blogger Amanda is getting married! She has graciously volunteered to share her wedding planning journey with us in a series of blog posts. So without further ado, read on to learn how Amanda and Matt’s Love Story began…

Amanda and Matt’s Love Story Begins

Matt and I met three years ago when I first arrived at Auburn University. I decided to attend Freshmen Small Group on a Sunday night. Come to find out, he was a FSG leader. He was tall, had bright blue eyes and was really REALLY funny. But, I was dating someone else at the time and so was he. I remember calling home to my mom that night and telling her that I have the cutest FSG leader.

Two semesters later, I was studying at the Auburn Christian Student Center and so was Matt and we started talking. I had the biggest crush on him, and I thought to myself, “The fact that this guy is even out there is enough of a reason for me to break up with my boyfriend.” So I did that Tuesday. On Wednesday, Matt asked me out on a date for that Friday. It was the best date of my life.

We have dated for two and a half fantastic, blow your mind, head-over-heels years and he asked me to marry him on August 30, 2012. (I will save the engagement story for another post.) We are so incredibly excited and now I am even more excited to be able to share my wedding planning with all of you!!

Follow Amanda and Matt’s Wedding Planning Journey

I will post once or twice a month ideas that I have come up with and stories that I think everyone should hear! I am trying my best to stay off of Pinterest so that my wedding, though some of the things may have been done before, is completely my brainchild. This should get interesting! Stay tuned!

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Welcome to Love Notes!

Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
