
Follow along with our stream of consciousness thoughts
on weddings and life (with a few rants here and there!)

Photo by Ben Vigil Photography

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A Love Story: 66 Years Of Devotion

My Great Aunt Bette and Great Uncle Vincent have been married 66 years. She is like a grandmother to me, and they have always been

Miss Manners On Wedding Details

Let’s ask our favorite columnist Miss Manners… how much do little details like linen colors matter at a wedding? Here at Circle of Love Weddings,

Your Wedding, Your Way

Wise words from our primary wedding consultant Daria: I was in a meeting not too long ago that really brought home one of the things

My Favorite Time of Year

I’ve always loved that time of year when the season is just starting to change. Spring is exciting, but that first taste of fall is


Welcome to Love Notes!

Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.

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It's time to talk about your wedding!

I can’t wait to hear about your wedding dreams, and help you turn them into reality.
Let’s get started!