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Love Will Never Be Canceled

When things seem dark, remember that love is not canceled!

I have to say it’s been a bit of a tough weekend. My heart is with my sweet couple Kaki and Jeff who should have been married yesterday (and it didn’t help that the weather was SO fabulous!), and with all the couples who have had to reschedule or cancel their spring weddings. I’m busy soothing nerves of my couples who plan to marry later this year and are wondering if will be ok. (It will!) 
And yet my heart is also full as I enjoy all the anniversary posts from beautiful couples like Anneliese and Lauren, Rebecca and Will, and so many others. 
I came to an important realization as I’ve been sitting with the discomfort and uncertainty that continues in our present situation, and as so many memories are washing over me as I revisit 15 years of wedding stories in preparation for the launch of this blog.
It’s such a joy to read back over these stories, see the photos again, and remember the good times. Simultaneously, these wonderful stories also contain the memories of the truly crazy situations (because with weddings, s#?% definitely happens!), the disasters we overcame, the unexpected changed plans that threw us for a loop, the disappointments that sunk us low. 

In short, basically a snapshot of what is happening right now to 2020 couples.

And what became really clear to me after viewing these years of stories as a full spectrum is that for every single one of my couples, no matter what happened during the planning process or at the wedding itself, everything turned out just fine, dare I say perfectly, in the end, despite how bad things seemed at the time! 
No matter what, they got married. No matter what, they celebrated with loved ones. Perhaps not in the way they envisioned, but in a way that was wonderful nonetheless. 
So I am grateful, once again, for the reminder that all shall be well.
And for the reminder that all we can do is make plans for plans, pivot when needed, and be present with what IS. 
Because what IS always present, at the heart of everything, is LOVE.
And love is not canceled, nor will it ever be.
Photo courtesy of Melissa Prosser

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Welcome to Love Notes!

Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
