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Let’s Talk Wedding Announcements

Some people invite everyone and their sister to their weddings. They want it big, and they can have it big because it’s their day! Others want a small, intimate wedding with only close friends and family in attendance. They want it small, and they can have it small because it’s their day!

Either way, there are bound to be some folks who didn’t quite make the invitation list, but who still may want to know about the happy event. That is where wedding announcements come in!

Is it appropriate to send wedding announcements? 

Yes and no. 

Do not send wedding announcements to people who were invited to or attended your wedding. They know you got married, leave it there. Do not send announcements in hopes of receiving a gift in return (we are sure no one ever thinks of doing that but it had to be said, and at any rate, gifts are not expected from those who receive announcements only. For more about gifts, check out this post.

Do not send them two weeks or even a week after you get married. Have them ready to send out the day of the wedding (but NOT before!). You want the information you send to be timely.

If you do decide to send out wedding announcements, do it with the pure excitement you have about getting married. You cannot go wrong with that!

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Bright ideas, wisdom and musings about weddings, celebrations, ceremonies and life in general, from Daria’s seventeen years of planning, coordinating and officiating.
